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Having login route under /admin path in Silex

I have Silex installation with this SecurityServiceProvider setup:

$this->app->register(new SecurityServiceProvider(), array(
            'security.firewalls' => array(
                'login' => array(
                    'pattern' => '^/login$',
                'secured' => [
                    'pattern' => '^/admin.*$',
                    'anonymous' => true,
                    'form' => array(
                        'login_path' => '/login',
                        'check_path' => '/admin/auth'
                    'logout' => array(
                        'logout_path' => '/admin/logout'
                    'users' => $this->app->share(function() use ($self) {
                        return new AuthenticationSuccessHandler($self->app['db']);
            'security.role_hierarchy' => [
                'ROLE_USER' => [],
                'ROLE_BACKEND_USER' => ['ROLE_USER'],
                'ROLE_SUPERADMIN' => $this->getAllBasicRoleName() 

            'security.access_rules' => array(
                ['^/.*$', 'ROLE_USER'],
                ['^/admin.*$', 'ROLE_SUPERADMIN'],
                ['^/admin.*$', 'ROLE_BACKEND_USER']

This setup resolve:

/login -> login form
/admin -> secure area
/admin/logout -> logout form

But I need login form to be reachable under admin path like this:

/admin/login -> login form UNDER ADMIN PATH!
/admin -> secure area
/admin/logout -> logout form

There is a way to do this?

Thanks. S.

Have you tried changing: 'login_path' => '/login', to 'login_path' => '/admin/login', ?

I think you will also want to change 'pattern'=> '^/login$', to 'pattern'=> /admin(.*)

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