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Sonata Admin, custom flashBag

I have a formMapper Sonata. I have add the prePersist and preUpdate function who are performing some checks before approving changes.

If it fail, I would like to display a nice error message. I have seen that there is some flags who can use but nothing really interesting. Even more, a return false does not stop the action.

Des someone know how could I manage this feature ?

Thanks a lot.

I don't really understand what you don't get in the doc. Here it says that in your controller you need to add

$session->getFlashBag()->add('key', 'message');

And to get it in the view :

  {% for message in app.session.flashbag.get('key') %}
    <p>{{ message }}</p>
  {% endfor %}

You can show a flash message in your hooks accessing the getRequest method.

public function prePersist($object) {
    $this->getRequest()->getSession()->getFlashBag()->add('error', 'Error message');

To stop an action from inside an Admin hook, I found that the best way is to throw a ModelManagerException . This particular exception is, in fact, handled by the CRUDController . Not to clean I have to admit, but effective.

Note: The way to access the flashbag may be a little different with respect too your SonataAdmin version.

What you are probably searching for is a custom validator constraint .

The validator will automatically check for all validator constraints when you submit a sonata form. If there's an error, the entity is not persisted and a nice message is displayed (depending on what constraint validation message you set).

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