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What are best practices for exporting variables passed from the server to HTML so that they can be used in javascript modules?

Let's say I'm serving up a web application and my server is passing an object to the front-end that looks like this:

   user_name : "Robert",
   user_settings : {/*some settings object*/}

If I want to access this information in, say, main.js, in the past I've just made this information global in my html file. (eg):


      <title>Example Page</title>
    <!-- style links would go here -->


    <!-- script tags would go here -->

           window.server_json = {
               user_name : "Robert",
               user_settings : {/*some settings object*/}

This really doesn't seem to fit into the way that we're writing javascript these days with webpack and babel. I would like to be able to export that object and use it in other files while avoiding globals.

I'm not sure how to go about this, but I envision it would looks something like:



      <title>Example Page</title>
    <!-- style links would go here -->


    <!-- script tags would go here -->

           export default json = {
               user_name : "Robert",
               user_settings : {/*some settings object*/}


import json from "./Example.html";
//Do something with the data received from the server

In my current project, I'm using webpack, babel, and vue.js. I've been searching for some way to do this for a few hours now, and would appreciate any help.


To clarify, the data would be sent from the server using PHP and the slim framework. It would look something like this:

$app->get('my/page', function($request, $response){
    return $this->view->render($response, 'my_page.html', [
        "user_name" => "Robert",
        "user_settings" => [/*some settings object*/]

You can use the vue-resource plugin to request the data from the server. You can use Web Storage API to cache the data on the client.

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