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Self-hosted OWIN .NET 4.5 Web API 2 does not work with Windows authentication and https

I am trying to get Web API 2 to work with Windows authentication and SSL. It looks like it can work with either one or the other, but when I enable both Windows authentication and SSL, I keep getting 401 responses from the server.

This is how we enable Windows authentication:

HttpListener listener = (HttpListener)appBuilder.Properties["System.Net.HttpListener"];
listener.AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.IntegratedWindowsAuthentication;

When running with just HTTP (no HTTPS), Windows authentication seems to work. I see 401 responses followed by a 200 response.

I am also trying to get it to work with HTTPS on my local machine.

I went through the following steps to enable HTTPS:

  • Added a mapping to the server name in my hosts file
  • Installed a certificate (with the help of this post )
  • Reserved a URL ( https://+:10001/ )
  • Ran the service under the reserved URL

Starting the service:

var startOptions = new StartOptions();
startOptions.Urls.Add(baseUrl); // baseUrl is "https://+:10001/"
_webApplication = WebApp.Start<Startup>(startOptions);

If I disable Windows authentication (comment out the 2 lines with HttpListener above), I can access the service using the HTTPS protocol. The browser recognizes the certificate.

When I enable Windows authentication, I keep getting 401 responses (in Fiddler I can see up to 6 401 responses for one request). A browser keeps prompting me to log in, and fails after a number of attempts with a 401 code.

I have been trying to find someone facing a similar problem. This post looked promising. However, the author did not seem to have any issues with the .NET 4.5 version of OWIN.

Could anyone please advise? Thank you!

Our problem was the authentication rather than SSL.

  • Using AuthenticationSchemes.Ntlm helped
  • The other problem was the correct registration of the server name within the organization, so that clients (developers' machines) could access it

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