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Debugging node.js microservices behind nginx reverse proxy

I've been struggling for a few days to get remote debugging of node.js working on Google Container Engine via Kubernetes. The main issue comes from the fact that the services that I want to debug are behind an nginx reverse proxy.

So my question is, first of all, is it possible to remotely debug upstream services that lie behind a reverse proxy? And if so, how?

If I could get debugging working through reverse proxy on localhost I'm fairly confident that I could get it working on gke through Kubernetes too.

I'd be happy to supply you with any information you need, like configs etc.


I gave up trying to get debugging working through the nginx reverse proxy and instead just settled with debugging single kubernetes pods (docker droplets) through port-forwarding from the specific pod to my localhost, and then just attach the debugger to localhost:PORT

Here's the command and documentation in case someone needs it:

kubectl port-forward POD-NAME PORT

And you get the POD-NAME by running the following command:

kubectl get pods

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