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JavaScript onclick event works only once

I am trying to make a simple HTML page that contains a paragraph with some classes and a button with a random predefined name that will be chosen from an array, and another paragraph to show the result.

I made a function that will check if the button's name exists as a class in the first paragraph if so it will write in the last paragraph "It exists.". If not it will show "No it doesn't.".

The function will be triggered when I click the button. The problem that it works only once. Here is the code

 var mainParagraph = document.getElementById("test-paragraph"), buttonCheck = document.getElementById("class-checker"), resultContainer = document.getElementById("result-container"); // An array of possible names of the button var buttonName = ["test", "two", "random", "fly", "false", "checked", "wrong", "last", "process", "end"], x = Math.random() * 10, z = Math.floor(x); //change the button's name each time the button is clicked. "not working." function butonClicked() { 'use strict'; buttonCheck.textContent = buttonName[z]; } // function to check if button's name is the same as a class in the first paragraph function checkTheClass() { 'use strict'; if(mainParagraph.classList.contains(buttonName[z])) { resultContainer.textContent = "yes the class exists. It's : " + '"' + buttonName[z] + '"'; } else { resultContainer.textContent = "No the class doesn't exists."; } } // Trigger the function when the button is clicked buttonCheck.onclick = function() { 'use strict'; butonClicked(); checkTheClass(); }; 
 <html> <body> <p id="test-paragraph" class="test random checked work done process"> This is a random text to be use for the test <br/> these are the classes: test, random, checked, work, done, process. </p> <button id="class-checker">click!</button> <p id="result-container">Here is the result</p> </body> </html> 

I already checked these answers, but I still can't solve the problem:

Simple onclick event worked only once .
onclick event works only once in arctext script .
Here is the code in Codepen: http://s.codepen.io/Noureddine/debug/JbbBQX .

Ps: I don't know JQquery

It's not that your event is getting fired only once but the variable z is not updated each time so it keeps trying to grab the same index from your array.

buttonCheck.onclick = function () {
    'use strict';
    z = Math.floor(Math.rand() * 10);


Instead of button.onclick, you can use addEventListener for binding click event and another thing...Z and x variables will have random values only once if you want them to change may be include it in the click handler

 window.onload = function() { var mainParagraph = document.getElementById("test-paragraph"), buttonCheck = document.getElementById("class-checker"), resultContainer = document.getElementById("result-container"); // An array of possible names of the button var buttonName = ["test", "two", "random", "fly", "false", "checked", "wrong", "last", "process", "end"]; var x; var z; //change the button's name each time the button is clicked. "not working." function butonClicked() { 'use strict'; x = Math.random() * 10; z = Math.floor(x); buttonCheck.textContent = buttonName[z]; } // function to check if button's name is the same as a class in the first paragraph function checkTheClass() { 'use strict'; if (mainParagraph.classList.contains(buttonName[z])) { resultContainer.textContent = "yes the class exists. It's : " + '"' + buttonName[z] + '"'; } else { resultContainer.textContent = "No the class doesn't exists."; } } buttonCheck.addEventListener('click', function() { butonClicked() checkTheClass() }); } 
 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <p id="test-paragraph" class="test random checked work done process"> This is a random text to be use for the test <br/>these are the classes: test, random, checked, work, done, process. </p> <button id="class-checker">click!</button> <p id="result-container">Here is the result</p> </body> 

Hope it helps

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