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Git checkout does not download branch new files

I have a problem with a git branch, I'm trying to switch on a different branch where there is some changed files and changed directories but I cannot see these changes on my local repository.

On the master I have:

dir1 / files

dir2 / files

on the branch I have

new_dir1 / files

dir2 / files

dir3 / files

When the command git fetch && git checkout myBranch I can see on the terminal

Checking out files: 100% (31012/31012), done.
Switched to branch 'featured_phase3'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/myBranch'.

But the dir1 is not renamed to new_dir1 and the dir3 is not downloaded.

Sure I'm missing something because I'm new to git

Any help will be appreciate


Please refer to this answer . In short, you need to checkout your branch and then do a git pull

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