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Is there any way to optimize this MongoDB query for pagination in Node.js

I am paginating through a very large collection of documents. I was wondering if this an efficient means of pagination in mongoDB using _id's. My concern is that every time I make the query the entire collection of id's would need to get sorted before a result could be returned. I saw this document on optimizing queries with indexes, but would this apply to me since Im querying on _id which I would've thought is already indexed?

Pagination function:

function paginateDocs(currId, docsPerPage) {
  const query = currId ? { _id: { $gt: currId } } : {};
  const queryOptions = { limit: usersPerPage, sort: '_id' };
  return mongo.find(query, queryOptions).toArray();

You can use cursor.hint(index) where you can define index as what all indexes on which you want to sort on. Refer to this link-> https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/method/cursor.hint/

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