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CORS during development without Access-Control-Allow-Origin

The server answer with a Access-Control-Allow-Origin value set for the production. Is there a way to be permissive when the requests come from my development server ? Is there a Django setting to disable the cross-origin check when DEBUG=True for example ?

I can't modify the Access-Control-Allow-Origin . The request is made with jquery ajax function.


I've installed https://github.com/ottoyiu/django-cors-headers with pip install django-cors-headers , added the following in my settings.py

    INSTALLED_APPS += ('corsheaders', )


And put the middleware :


But I still get the error :

Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at _request_url_. (Reason: CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' missing).

If I inspect the response header, I don't see any Access-Control-Allow-Origin parameter.

Install middleware: https://github.com/ottoyiu/django-cors-headers

In django settings.py add following setting:



(if DEBUG is true Access-Control-Allow-Origin will be added to headers in response)

To add CORS headers to your response, install this to your django project:


Since you want to connect from local, you cannot whitelist a particular host alone.

To enable CORS only when you have DEBUG=True , you can add corsheaders to your installed apps only when Debug is True:

if DEBUG is True:
     INSTALLED_APPS += ('corsheaders', )

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