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Twig templates will not update

I have a twig template as simple as:

{# Digital Assets #}
<li class="digAssets" {{ ('digital_assets' == category) ? 'current' }}">
    <a href="{{ path('digital_assets') }}">Digital Assets</a>

But when I try to change something as simple as

<a href="{{ path('digital_assets') }}">Digital Assets</a>


<a href="{{ path('digital_assets') }}">Analog Assets</a>

it does not update. I've tried putting

cache: false
auto_reload: true

into both app/config/config.yml, config_dev.yml, and config_prod.yml with no success.

If you are running this through app.php (prod), you may need to run:

Symfony 2:
php app/console cache:clear --env=prod

Symfony 3:
php bin/console cache:clear --env=prod

I haven't played around with the cache: false at all.

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