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How to convert an RDD of Maps to dataframe

I have RDD of Map and i want to converted it to dataframe Here is the input format of RDD

val mapRDD: RDD[Map[String, String]] = sc.parallelize(Seq(
   Map("empid" -> "12", "empName" -> "Rohan", "depId" -> "201"),
   Map("empid" -> "13", "empName" -> "Ross", "depId" -> "201"),
   Map("empid" -> "14", "empName" -> "Richard", "depId" -> "401"),
   Map("empid" -> "15", "empName" -> "Michale", "depId" -> "501"),
   Map("empid" -> "16", "empName" -> "John", "depId" -> "701")))

is there any way to convert into dataframe like

 val df=mapRDD.toDf


empid,  empName,    depId
12      Rohan       201
13      Ross        201
14      Richard     401
15      Michale     501
16      John        701

You can easily convert it into Spark DataFrame:

Here is a code that would do the trick :

val mapRDD= sc.parallelize(Seq(
   Map("empid" -> "12", "empName" -> "Rohan", "depId" -> "201"),
   Map("empid" -> "13", "empName" -> "Ross", "depId" -> "201"),
   Map("empid" -> "14", "empName" -> "Richard", "depId" -> "401"),
   Map("empid" -> "15", "empName" -> "Michale", "depId" -> "501"),
   Map("empid" -> "16", "empName" -> "John", "depId" -> "701")))

val columns=mapRDD.take(1).flatMap(a=>a.keys)

val resultantDF=mapRDD.map{value=>
      val list=value.values.toList


The output is :

|   12|  Rohan|  201|
|   13|   Ross|  201|
|   14|Richard|  401|
|   15|Michale|  501|
|   16|   John|  701|

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