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Elasticsearch-py unrecognized 'analyzer' parameter in search()

The API Document says that search(*args, **kwargs) has a parameter called analyzer . But the following code raises an exception:

RequestError:TransportError(400, 'illegal_argument_exception', 'request [/test-index/content-field/_search] contains unrecognized parameter: [analyzer]')

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch.client import IndicesClient
es = Elasticsearch()
res = es.search(index="test-index", doc_type='content-field',
                body={"query": {"match": {"text": "微观文明"}}},
                analyzer="ik_smart", size=3)

The following code, however, returns a correct answer.


That parameter is only used (and accepted) when using the q parameter to search via a query string. In your case you need to specify the analyzer for the match query in the body[.]

Found the answer in this github issue: https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-py/issues/495

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