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Easy paisa Payment Gateway Integration Errors

I need help as working on EasyPaisa Payment Gateway Integration getting the error.

We have a store on EasyPaisa and received payment integration guideline how to integrate.

They have mentioned that by posting the following form https://easypay.easypaisa.com.pk/easypay/Index.jsf

<form action="https://easypay.easypaisa.com.pk/easypay/Index.jsf" method="POST" target="_blank">
<! -- Store Id Provided by Easypay-->
<input name="storeId" value="43" hidden = "true"/>
<! -- Amount of Transaction from merchant’s website -->
<input name="amount" value="10" hidden = "true"/>
<! – Post back URL from merchant’s website -- >
<input name="postBackURL" value=" http://www.my.online-store.com/transaction/MessageHandler" hidden = "true"/>
<! – Order Reference Number from merchant’s website -- >
<input name="orderRefNum" value="1101" hidden = "true"/>
<! – Expiry Date from merchant’s website (Optional) -- >
<input type =”hidden” name=”expiryDate” value=”20140606 201521”>
<! – Merchant Hash Value (Optional) -- >
<input type =”hidden” name=”merchantHashedReq” value=”askldjflaksdjflkasdf======asdfas dfkjaskdf”>
<! – If Merchant wants to redirect to Merchant website after payment completion (Optional) -- >
<input type =”hidden” name=”autoRedirect” value=”0”>
<! – If merchant wants to post specific Payment Method (Optional) -- >
<input type =”hidden” name=”paymentMethod” value=”0”>
<! – If merchant wants to post specific Payment Method (Optional) -- >
<input type =”hidden” name=”emailAddr” value=”test.abcd@abcd.com”>
<! – If merchant wants to post specific Payment Method (Optional) -- >
<input type =”hidden” name=”mobileNum” value=”03325241789”>
<! – This is the button of the form which submits the form -- >
<input type = “image” src=”checkout-button-with-logo.png border=”0” name= “pay”>

When I submit this form with our storeId get the following error on easypaisa website

Easy Paisa Description about error

any help IS I am missing some things

Your form input is wrong that is why it is not working.

You just change this and check it will work.

 <! – If merchant wants to post specific Payment Method (Optional) -- > Replace this: <input type =”hidden” name=”paymentMethod” value=”0”> <! – If merchant wants to post specific Payment Method (Optional) -- > By one of the following. 1. For Mobile Account: <input type ="hidden" name="paymentMethod" value="MA_PAYMENT_METHOD"> 2. For Retailer/Shop Account: <input type ="hidden" name="paymentMethod" value="OTC_PAYMENT_METHOD/"> 3. For Credit/Debit Card: <input type ="hidden" name="paymentMethod" value="CC_PAYMENT_METHOD">

I have the same issue but when I tried this its worked for me.

Actually it's a problem in the code snippet given by Easypaisa's documentation.

The inverted commas (double-quotes) are wrong

Replace ” with "

These are :

<input type =”hidden” name=”paymentMethod” value=”0”>

Should be :

<input type ="hidden" name="paymentMethod" value="0">

 <! – If merchant wants to post specific Payment Method (Optional) -- > Replace this: <input type =”hidden” name=”paymentMethod” value=”0”> <! – If merchant wants to post specific Payment Method (Optional) -- > By one of the following. 1. For Mobile Account: <input type ="hidden" name="paymentMethod" value="MA_PAYMENT_METHOD"> 2. For Retailer/Shop Account: <input type ="hidden" name="paymentMethod" value="OTC_PAYMENT_METHOD/"> 3. For Credit/Debit Card: <input type ="hidden" name="paymentMethod" value="CC_PAYMENT_METHOD">

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