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Getting Currency Information From Country Code in PHP

I want to get the currency code information (for example:USD etc.) from country code.I tried most of methods but I cannot have this data.I had the country code from geolocation. How can I solve this problem and get the currency code?

You can do with this following api its very easy and good

https://restcountries.eu/rest/v1/alpha/in "in" be the country code for india.

Eg with jquery

   function (data) {

in data: you get almost every information related to country

Copy the object in this page into your code, like this

var countryCurrencies = {
    "BD": "BDT",
    "BE": "EUR",
    "BF": "XOF",
    "UA": "UAH",
    "QA": "QAR",
    "MZ": "MZN"
//get your country code
var countryCode = "ma"; //For example
var currency = countryCurrencies.hasOwnProperty(countryCode.toUpperCase()) ? countryCurrencies[countryCode.toUpperCase()] : "Unkonw";

//The result : curreny = "MAD"


<?php $location = unserialize(file_get_contents('http://www.geoplugin.net/php.gp?ip='.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])); print_r($location) ?>

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