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How to open file using vscode terminal?

I want to open a new tab and open a file using vscode terminal.

like open somefile.js command, so I can use ls and open file quickly.

使用code -r <file>在最后一个活动代码窗口中打开文件


code -r <filename>

just remeber to install the code command to PATH . in VScode, open the command palette and type "code", you should see a Shell Command: Install code to PATH option.

I really haven't actually seen any difference between using the command without the -r flag.

If you are already in VSCode terminal (not an external OS terminal), check out the latest VSCode 1.64 (Jan. 2022) Terminal shell integration<\/strong><\/a> :


Since we know the cwd<\/code><\/strong> for each line in the terminal buffer, we can support opening links in the terminal relative to the cwd at the location where it was activated<\/strong> .

Clicking on the file name will result in vscode\/package.json<\/code> opening.

Clicking on the file name will open template-string-converter\/package.json<\/code> .

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