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Error with R function download.file: Too many open files

I am using:


with R version 3.2.3 (2015-12-10) on Windows 7 to copy a big amount of images (TIFF files). I have to copy a huge number of files: 300'00 but it failed at some point with the following issue:

"cannot open destfile 'tmp/74114070005_531__0.tiff' , reason 'Too many open files'"

The issue is that from time to time the copy of the url failed and R create a empty file with a size of 0 Byte but Windows lock the file so I cannot remove it. So the failed file stay open until I exit R. After a certain number of failed copy then I got the error above that "too many open file"

Is there a way to close the connection for each file ? I tried closeAllConnections() but this has not impact.

Is there a way to run a R command line that will "restart" the R programm so Windows will unlock the files ?

Any other idea are welcome.



This is an issue with Windows that locked files. The best things is to avoid Windows. For people that need to use Windows there is a solution. I tested it with Windows 7:

This avoid to have all these locked files

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