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Export RabbitMQ Docker image with vhost and queues

I have a rabbitMQ docker container that I started using the following command:

docker run -d --name myrabbit1 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3-management

I then loggin to the management plugin and create users, vhosts, queues, etc.

I want to save all those settings so they can be loaded up again. To do that I tried committing to a new image:

docker commit myrabbit1 vbrabbit:withVhostAndQueues

I then start up my new container (after stopping the old one):

docker run -d --name vbrabbit2 -p 15672:15672 -p 5672:5672 vbrabbit:withVhostAndQueues

I expect that all the queues, vhosts, etc would be saved, but they are not.

What am I missing?

Result from docker ps -a : 在此处输入图像描述

I want to save all those settings so they can be loaded up again

are you needing to create a copy of the container, with the same settings?

or are you just looking to docker stop myrabbit1 and then later docker start myrabbit to run the same container, again?


The RabbitMQ instance within the container is looking for data in a different place. The default configuration changes the data storage/load location per container creation. Thus the OPs data existed in the created "final" image but rabbitmq wasn't loading it.

To fix statically set RABBITMQ_NODENAME which likewise might requiring adding another line to /etc/hosts for RabbitMQ to affirm the node is active.


This happened to me with docker rabbit:3.8.12-management

This is caused by RabbitMQ's default configuration impacting how it does data storage. By default RabbitMQ starts a node on UNIX system with a name of rabbit@$HOSTNAME (see RABBITMQ_NODENAME on config docs ). In Docker the $HOSTNAME changes per container run it defaults to the container id (eg something like dd84759287560 ).

In @jhilden's case is when the vbrabbit:withVhostAndQueues image is booted as a new container the RABBITMQ_NODENAME becomes a different value then what was used to create and store the original vhosts, user, queues, etc. And as RabbitMQ stores data inside a directory named after the RABBITMQ_NODENAME the existing data isn't loaded on boot of vbrabbit:withVhostAndQueues . As when the $HOSTNAME changes the RABBITMQ_NODENAME changes. Thus the booting RabbitMQ instance cannot find any existing data. (eg the existing data is there in the image but for a different RABBITMQ_NODENAME and isn't loaded).

Note: I've only looked into solving this for a local development single instance cluster. If you're using RabbitMQ docker for a production deployment you'd probably need to look into customized hostnames

To fix this issue we set a static RABBITMQ_NODENAME for the container.

In docker-compose v3 file we updated from:

  # Before fix
    image: "rabbitmq:$RABBITMQ_VERSION"
    container_name: rabbitmq
      - "5672:5672"
      - "15672:15672"
      - "61613:61613"
      - "./etc/rabbit-plugins:/etc/rabbitmq/enabled_plugins"
      - type: volume
        source: rabbitmq-data
        target: /var/lib/rabbitmq

Into after fix:

    image: "rabbitmq:$RABBITMQ_VERSION"
    container_name: rabbitmq
    # Why do we set NODENAME and extra_hosts?
    # It codifies that we're using the same RabbitMQ instance between container rebuilds.
    # If NODENAME is not set it defaults to "rabbit@$HOST" and because $HOST is dynamically
    # created in docker it changes per container deployment. Why is a changing host an issue?
    # Well because under the hood Rabbit stores data on a per node basis. Thus without the
    # static RABBITMQ_NODENAME the directory the data is stored within changes per restart.
    # Going from "rabbit@7745942c559e" to "rabbit@036834720485" the next. Okay, but why do we
    # need extra_hosts? We'll Rabbit wants to resolve itself to affirm it's management UI is
    # functioning post deployment and does that with an HTTP call. Thus to resolve the static
    # host from RABBITMQ_NODENAME we need to add it to the containers /etc/hosts file.
      RABBITMQ_NODENAME: "rabbit@staticrabbit"
      - "staticrabbit:"
      - "5672:5672"
      - "15672:15672"
      - "61613:61613"
      - "./etc/rabbit-plugins:/etc/rabbitmq/enabled_plugins"
      - type: volume
        source: rabbitmq-data
        target: /var/lib/rabbitmq

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