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Delete entire row by checking adjacent column values using vba

I have a sheet with strings in column B for around 500 rows and I have cells empty/populated with values in column A and Column C to M.

I wrote a macro which will take the string value in each row in column B and if the adjacent cells (from column C to M) of that row are empty then it will delete that entire row. But even if any one of that adjacent cell has values then it will skip that row.

Here is my sheet looks like

 A      B           C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M
1.2   SERVER_P             RE1                         GR5 
4.5   NET CON V1                        GR

Expected is it should delete entire 2 row since the coulms C to M are empty. I have given three rows as example above, but my sheet contains around 500 rows of data.

Here is what I have now

Dim rcount As Long, ccount As Long
Dim Count As Long, Lastrow As Long
Dim Targetname As String, Deletedname As String
Dim objFSObject As Object

Set objFSObject = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Count = 0

With ActiveSheet
    'count the rows till which strings are there
    Lastrow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
End With

For rcount = 1 To Lastrow
    Targetname = Cells(rcount, 2).Value
    Count = 0                     'reset the counter 
    Cells(rcount, 2).Select
    For ccount = 1 To 11
        Deletedname = ActiveCell.Offset(0, ccount).Value
        If Len(Trim$(Deletedname)) > 0 Then
            ccount = 11
            Count = Count + 1
            If Count = 11 Then
            End If
        End If
    Next ccount
Next rcount

But my macro deletes many rows which meets the condition ie C to M are empty, but few rows are still not deleted and their cells are also empty from column C to M.

Could some one help me with this.

With the help of @Logan Reed comment above

  Dim rcount As Long, ccount As Long
  Dim Count As Long, Lastrow As Long
  Dim Targetname As String, Deletedname As String
  Dim objFSObject As Object

  Set objFSObject = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

  Count = 0

  With ActiveSheet
     'count the rows till which strings are there
     Lastrow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
  End With

  For rcount = Lastrow to 1 Step -1
    Targetname = Cells(rcount, 2).Value
    Count = 0                     'reset the counter 
    Cells(rcount, 2).Select
      For ccount = 1 To 11
         Deletedname = ActiveCell.Offset(0, ccount).Value
         If Len(Trim$(Deletedname)) > 0 Then
             ccount = 11
             Count = Count + 1
             If Count = 11 Then
             End If
         End If
      Next ccount

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