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laravel 5.3 how to render html content of a page in a view with a function

I am facing a rendering problem... in my product.blade.php I would like to show in a part of the page the html content from an external source without iframe. I want to make a call like :

{!! View::make('pages.viewer', ['docUrl' => url('get-DocHtml/' . $primaryAttachment->id)]) !!}

In my route :

Route::get('get-DocHtml/{id}', 'PagesController@getDocHtml');

In PagesController.php :

public function getDocHtml($id){ 
$attachment = Attachment::find($id);
$filepath = Storage::disk('S3')->url($attachment->filename.'/test.html');
return \Response::make(file_get_contents($filePath), 200, [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/html; charset=utf-8' ]); 

I don't know how to make it render in viewer.blade.php or directly in my product.blade.php like a all to the function and render it directly...

Is someone has any idea how to render it (without helpers) ?

Thanks for your help.

Why don't you pass


as variable to view?

your method getDocHtml should return view in that way:

return view('viewer')->with([
    'external' => file_get_contents($filePath)

Then you can do anything with passed $external variable

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