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PHP script in windows task scheduler

I wrote php script which executed successfully as a web page in the browser. But when I schedule the script using windows task scheduler, the script will run successfully (with no error in windows task scheduler) but result nothing in the database; it should update some rows.

Here is the script:

$con = mysqli_connect("xxx", "xxx", "xxx");
mysqli_select_db($con, "xxx");

$tns = "  
      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)(PORT = xxx))
      (SERVICE_NAME = xxx.xxx.xxx.xx)
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
    echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
$conn = oci_connect("xxx", "xxx", $tns);

if (!$conn)
    $m = oci_error();
    echo $m['message'], "\n";

    $Orcle_Sql = "select ID,E_OFFICIAL_NAME,Password
                           from xxx";
    $array = oci_parse($conn, $Orcle_Sql);
    while ($row = oci_fetch_array($array))
        $ID = $row[0];
        $Password = $row[2];

        $sql = "UPDATE students_info set password='$Password' WHERE ID= '$ID'";
        $Update_query = mysqli_query($con, $sql);


Why does running the script behave different in browser than in windows task scheduler?

I solve it by running my PHP script through batch file.

and scheduling the batch file in Windows task scheduler.

this post helped me so much:


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