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How to change background/Foreground in an Extended Toolkit PropertyGrid

I have a Extended Wpf Toolkit propertyGrid:

<wpg:PropertyGrid x:Name="pg" Width="450" Height="300" Margin="10" ShowSearchBox="False"  Background="Transparent" >

and here is what it looks like:


So it's pretty clear that the background doesn't entails the rows which are therefore independent.

That said I have seen that by adding

            <SolidColorBrush x:Key="{x:Static SystemColors.ControlTextBrushKey}" Color="Red" />

I am able to change some of the lines (not all) but I need to do that programmatically through code-behind.

This is what I'd like to achieve:



Styling the WPF PropertyGrid has an example at:


Save the PropertyGrid.xaml to your project, and in App.xaml add

            <ResourceDictionary Source="PropertyGrid.xaml" />




Probably the best approach is using a Theme as shown on the old CodePlex site:


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