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How to export in CSV with VBA?

I using this function to export a data range in CSV:

Sub Fct_Export_CSV()
  Dim Value As String
  Dim size As Integer

  Value = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Export_" & Sheets(1).range("B20").Value & ".csv"
  chemincsv = Value

  Dim Plage As Object, oL As Object, oC As Object, Tmp As String, Sep$
  Sep = ";"
  size = Worksheets("Database").range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
  Set Plage = ActiveSheet.range("A1:G" & size)

  Open chemincsv For Output As #1
  For Each oL In Plage.Rows
    Tmp = ""
    For Each oC In oL.Cells
      Tmp = Tmp & CStr(oC.Text) & Sep
    Print #1, Tmp

  MsgBox "OK! Export to " & Value
End Sub

Export works but i have one too ";" at the end of each line.

Example export CSV:


Where do i modify this VBA script to generate a CSV without ";" at the end ?
My goal:


There are multiple ways to accomplish this. For eg. you could put a if condition in Tmp = Tmp & CStr(oC.Text) & Sep to not append sep if the iteration is the last one.

Another way would be to use left function. Without modifying much of your code, I think this would be a good approach. Here is a sample code(havnt tried):

Sub Fct_Export_CSV()
  Dim Value As String
  Dim size As Integer

  Value = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Export_" & Sheets(1).range("B20").Value & ".csv"
  chemincsv = Value

  Dim Plage As Object, oL As Object, oC As Object, Tmp As String, Sep$
  Sep = ";"
  size = Worksheets("Database").range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
  Set Plage = ActiveSheet.range("A1:G" & size)

  Open chemincsv For Output As #1
  For Each oL In Plage.Rows
    Tmp = ""
    For Each oC In oL.Cells
      Tmp = Tmp & CStr(oC.Text) & Sep

'take one less than length of the string number of characters from left, that would eliminate the trailing semicolon
    Tmp = left(Tmp, Len(Tmp)-1)

    Print #1, Tmp

  MsgBox "OK! Export to " & Value
End Sub

Added one line of code before the last print statement, should work. lemme know.


Worksheets("Database").SaveAs Filename:=Value, FileFormat:=xlCSV, Local:=True

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