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Confusion regarding observables merging based on their return

I am working on an angular2 application which uses ngrx store approach to manage states. App is open source on github here

Problem statement

Specific problem I am facing with this approach is using values emitted from one observable when other observable returns null .

I don't want to query backend api when I have data present in my ngrx store .

Angular2 Code

Below is my trips.reducer.ts file

export interface State {
  ids: string[];
  trips: { [id: string]: Trip };
  selectedTripId: string;

const initialState = {
  ids: [],
  trips: {},
  selectedTripId: null

export function reducer(state = initialState, action: Action ): State {}

export function getTrips(state : State) {
  return state.trips;

export function getTripIds(state: State) {
  return state.ids;

export function getSelectedTripId(state: State) {
  return state.selectedTripId;

Below is my base reducer index.ts

export interface State {
  trips: fromTripsReducer.State;    

const reducers = {
  trips: fromTripsReducer.reducer,

export function getTripsState(state: State): fromTripsReducer.State {
  return state.trips;

export const getTrips = createSelector(getTripsState, fromTripsReducer.getTrips);
export const getTripIds = createSelector(getTripsState, fromTripsReducer.getTripIds);
export const getSelectedTripId = createSelector(getTripsState, fromTripsReducer.getSelectedTripId);
export const getSelectedCityId = createSelector(getTripsState, fromTripsReducer.getSelectedCityId);

export const getTripsCollection = createSelector(getTrips, getTripIds, (trips, ids) => {
  return ids.map(id => trips[id]);

export const getSelectedTrip = createSelector(getTrips, getSelectedTripId, (trips, id) => {
  return trips[id];

Now I can get a particular trip in trip-detail.component.ts like this

selectedTrip$: Trip;

constructor(private store: Store<fromRoot.State>) {
  this.selectedTrip$ = this.store.select(fromRoot.getSelectedTrip);

Now if I reload the route localhost:4200/trips/2 , then our store will initialize to initialState that is shown below

const initialState = {
  ids: [],
  trips: {},
  selectedTripId: null

and below method will not work as getTrips and getSelectedTripId will be null

export const getSelectedTrip = createSelector(getTrips, getSelectedTripId, (trips, id) => {
  return trips[id];

So now I can make a backend request which will load only the single trip based on the url id like this

return this.http.get(`${this.apiLink}/trips/${trip_id}.json`
  .map((data) => data.json())

But i want to make backend request only when the trip is not present in the store and

this.selectedTrip$ returns null or undefined.

this.selectedTrip$ = this.store.select(fromRoot.getSelectedTrip);

If you need the data to be ready before the component is being shown you could use a resolver. See this answer here .

In your case it would look the following and the resolver would only make sure that the loading of the data is initialized if selectedTrip is null . Note: As we won't use the returned data of the resolver anywhere, we can just return anything.

export class SelectedTripResolver implements Resolve {

    private store: Store
) {}

resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): Observable<boolean> {

    // get the selectedTrip
    return this.store.select(fromRoot.getSelectedTrip)
        // check if data is ready. If not trigger loading actions
        .map( (selectedTrip) => {
            if (selectedTrip === null) {
                //trigger action for loading trips & selectedTrip
                this.store.dispatch(new LoadTripAction());
                this.store.dispatch(new LoadselectedTripAction());
                return false; // just return anything
            } else {
                return true; // just return anything


Here the resolver will make sure that the load actions are triggered when the selectedTrip data is not ready.

In the trip-detail.component you'll only need to wait for valid data. Like so:

constructor(private store: Store<fromRoot.State>) {
    this.selectedTrip$ = this.store.select(fromRoot.getSelectedTrip)
        .filter(selectedTrip => selectedTrip !== null);

Hope that makes sense and helps you.

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