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Ionic 2 customize back button action

I want to customize the click-action of the back button mentioned in this screen capture. I want that by clicking I do not return to the previous page but to a page that I specify myself, or do a treatment before going back.


For customize default back button action you need override the backButtonClick() method of the NavBar component.

Step 1: In your "custom-class.ts" import Navbar component. Create auxMethod for override the default behavior and called in your ionViewDidLoad method.

import { Navbar } from 'ionic-angular';
import { ViewChild } from '@angular/core';

export class myCustomClass {
    @ViewChild(Navbar) navBar: Navbar;

    ionViewDidLoad() {

    //Method to override the default back button action
       this.navBar.backButtonClick = () => {
       //Write here wherever you wanna do

This code has been tested in ionic 3.

You can try to use ionViewCanLeave or ionViewWillLeave event.

See this issue #9533 with proposal to distinguish leave events for "back" navigation. This can be handy for your use case once implemented.

You need to just remove the current index from stack of ViewController

import { ViewController} from 'ionic-angular';

      constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public viewCtrl: ViewController) {

this.navCtrl.push("APage").then(() => {
      const index = this.viewCtrl.index;

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