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Move Images From Parse To S3 AWS

I need help moving the images I have from Parse to S3 on AWS. I have viewed numerous supposed guides and GitHub projects, but everything stops short at giving you all the information. One even says, you need GCS bucket set up, but gives no details on how to set up one. Just someone please help me with this. I have the S3 File Adapter in my index.js all set up for the app, but none of the images are there, they are still hosted in parse.

If you are referring to old images that where hosted with parse.com that you want to move across to your own environment then it can be done with the utility tool.

Get all files across all classess in a Parse database.
Print file URLs to console OR transfer to S3 , GCS , or filesystem .
Rename files so that Parse Server no longer detects that they are hosted by Parse.
Update MongoDB with new file names.


Moving forward if you have setup your S3 bucket correctly all new images from your app will be stored there.


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