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"The requested resource does not support HTTP method 'PUT' ASP.Net Web API

My jQuery Put request does not work, when I run my code in debug mode the put function does not get called, and from FireBug I can see this error:

The requested resource does not support HTTP method 'PUT'

Here is my jQuery code and API controller:

$(document).ready(function() {

    function onSelect(e) {
        $("#Type").prop("checked", false);

        var name = $("#TreeView").data("kendoTreeView").dataItem(e.node).Name;
        var accountId =$("#TreeView").data("kendoTreeView").dataItem(e.node).AccountId;



        var type = $("#TreeView").data("kendoTreeView").dataItem(e.node).Nature;






        var descrip = $("#TreeView").data("kendoTreeView").dataItem(e.node).Description;

        var idd = $("#TreeView").data("kendoTreeView").dataItem(e.node).ParentID;

        var pName = $("#TreeView").data("kendoTreeView").dataItem(e.node).ParentName;
        $("#ParentName").val(pName).prop("disabled", true);

        var isActive = $("#TreeView").data("kendoTreeView").dataItem(e.node).IsActive;

        $("input:radio[name=Type][value='" + type + "']").prop("checked", true);
        $("input[name=Type]").prop("disabled", true);

    var accountchild = {
        type: "odata",
        transport: {
            read: {
                url: function(options) {
                    return kendo.format("/api/Account/GetAccountChilds?ParentID={0}&OrganizationID={1}", options.AccountId, @Session["OrganizationID"].ToString());

        schema: {
            model: {
                id: "AccountId",
                hasChildren: "HasChildren",
                type: "Type",
                name: "Name"


        dataSource: new kendo.data.HierarchicalDataSource({
            type: "odata",
            transport: {
                read: {
                    url: "/api/Account/GetAllAccountParrentInfos?OrganizationID=@Session["OrganizationID"].ToString()",
                    dataType: "json"
            schema: {
                data: function(data) {
                    return data;
                total: function(data) {
                    return data['odata.count'];
                model: {
                    id: "AccountId",
                    hasChildren: "HasChildren",
                    children: accountchild,
                    type: "Nature",
                    name: "Name",
        select: onSelect,
        dataTextField: ["DisplayName", "DisplayName"],
        dataValueField: "AccountId"

    dataTextField: "Type",
    dataValueField: "Id",
    optionLabel: "انتخاب نوع حساب",
    dataSource: {
        transport: {
            read: {
                dataType: "json",
                url: "/api/Account/GetAllAccounttypes"

    dataTextField: "Currency",
    dataValueField: "Id",
    optionLabel: "انتخاب ارز پایه",
    dataSource: {
        transport: {
            read: {
                dataType: "json",
                url: "/api/Account/GetBaseCurrencies"

    dataTextField: "Nature",
    dataValueField: "Id",
    optionLabel: "انتخاب ماهیت حساب",
    dataSource: {
        transport: {
            read: {
                dataType: "json",
                url: "/api/Account/GetNatureAccounts"

    dataTextField: "Ctrl",
    dataValueField: "Id",
    optionLabel: "کنترل خلاف ماهیت",
    dataSource: {
        transport: {
            read: {
                dataType: "json",
                url: "/api/Account/GetContraryToNatureCtrls"

    dataTextField: "CtrlType",
    dataValueField: "Id",
    optionLabel: "نوع کنترل بودجه",
    dataSource: {
        transport: {
            read: {
                dataType: "json",
                url: "/api/Account/GetBudgetCtrlTypes"

$("#btn_edit").click(function() {
    var account = {
            "ParentID": $("#ParentID").val(),
            "AccountID": $("#AccountID").val(),
            "Name": $("#Name").val(),
            "Description": $("#Description").val(),
            "OrganizationID": $("#OrganizationID").val(),
            "IsDeleted": false,
            "RemainObligor": null,
            "Editable": true,
            "HasChildren": false,
            //"Type":   $("input[name=Type]").prop("checked", true).val(),
            "IsActive": $("#IsActive").prop("checked"),
            "BaseCurrencyId": $("#BaseCurrencyId").val(),
            "AccountTypeId": $("#AccountTypeId").val(),
            "BudgetCtrlTypeId": $("#BudgetCtrlTypeId").val(),
            "ContraryToNatureCtrlId": $("#ContraryToNatureCtrlId").val(),
            "NatureAccountId": $("#NatureAccountId").val()


            type: "PUT",
            url: '/api/Account/Editt',
            data: JSON.stringify(account),
            contentType: "application/json;charset=utf-8",
            processData: true,
            success: function(data) {
            error: function() {


[AcceptVerbs("POST", "Get")]
public void Edittt([FromBody]AccountGridViewModel a)
    Account account=new Account();
    account.AccountID = a.AccountID;
    account.AccountTypeId = a.AccountTypeId;
    account.Name = a.Name;
    account.ParentID = a.ParentID;
    account.NatureAccountId = a.NatureAccountId;
    account.ContraryToNatureCtrlId = a.ContraryToNatureCtrlId;
    account.BaseCurrencyId = a.BaseCurrencyId;
    account.BudgetCtrlTypeId = a.BaseCurrencyId;
    account.Description = a.Description;
    account.IsActive = a.IsActive;
    account.Organization = a.Organization;
    account.OrganizationID = a.OrganizationID;

remove the

[AcceptVerbs("POST", "Get")]

and change the




HttpPost is a shorthand for AcceptVerbs("POST"). No where are you telling the controller to accept PUT. I don't think you can have a single controller method accept multiple verbs, even if you can I feel like a cleaner implementation would be to have two methods with the same name one decorated with HttpGet and one decorated with HttpPut.

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