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(Excel VBA) - Draw from cell text in a macro

I'm trying to build a small macro that allows the user to format multiple different documents at once.

I would like for the user to be able to enter into a particular cell within the document containing the macro a particular piece of text.

I then want for this piece of text to be able to be drawn upon in the macro while affecting a different document.

For instance, a code to add another column might say


Instead of specifying the column (A), I would like it to draw on a value in the host document. For instance, the user types "G" into the particular cell, and then clicks a button to run the macro, and the macro will dynamically know to affect column G in all excel documents it targets based off of the value in the host document.

I hope this makes sense.

Any suggestions for the sort of functions I should be looking at to make this work?

"Any suggestions on the sort of functions I should be looking at?" Here's a few...

To get the value which is entered...

If the cell will always be in the same address, say A1:

' Define a string variable and set it equal to value in A1
Dim cellText as String
cellText = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Value

or instead of using Range you can also use Cells which takes a row and column number.

cellText = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value

If the cell changes then you may need to look into the Find function to look for a label/heading next to the input cell. Then you can use it (easily with Cells ) to reference the input...

Once you have this variable, you can do what you like with it.

To put this value into cell B3 in another (open) workbook named "MyWorkbook", and a sheet named "MySheet" you can do:

Application.Workbooks("MyWorkbook").Sheets("MySheet").Range("B3").Value = cellText

To insert a column at cellText , do

Application.Workbooks("MyWorkbook").Sheets("MySheet").Range(cellText & "1").EntireColumn.Insert

Notably here, the & concatonates the strings together, so if



cellText & "1" = "B1"

Further to your comment about moving values between sheets, see my first example here, but always refer to the same workbook. If you find yourself repeatedly typing something like ThisWorkbook.Sheets("MySheet").<other stuff>

then you can use the With shorthand.

With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("MySheet")

    ' Starting anything with a dot "." now assumes the with statement first
    .Range("A1").Value = .Range("A2").Value
    .Range("B1").Value = .Range("B2").Value

End With

Important to note is that this code has no data validation to check the cell's value before using it! Simply trying to insert a column based on a value which could be anything is sure to make the macro crash within its first real world use!

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