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Copy entire row by checking condition and paste into different ranges of cells aside

I am using below code to copy 4 columns of data from range A:D till the end of that row by checking a condition on B column whether its primary or backup. If primary category code will paste the data into columns K:N, if backup category paste the entire row to P:S columns.

But when executing I am getting Object Defined Error. Can anybody help with whats wrong in this code ? Thanks

Public Sub CopyData()

Dim rngSinglecell As Range
Dim rngQuantityCells As Range
Dim intCount As Integer


Set rngQuantityCells = Range("B120", Range("B120").End(xlDown))

For Each rngSinglecell In rngQuantityCells

  If rngSinglecell.Value = "Primary" Then

    Range("K" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Resize(rngSinglecell.Value,   14).Value = _
        Range(Range("A" & rngSinglecell.Row), Range("D" & rngSinglecell.Row)).Value
  ElseIf rngSinglecell.Value = "Backup" Then

    Range("P" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Resize(rngSinglecell.Value, 19).Value = _
        Range(Range("A" & rngSinglecell.Row), Range("D" & rngSinglecell.Row)).Value
  End If

End Sub

Try with Copy :

Public Sub CopyData()

Dim rngSinglecell As Range
Dim rngQuantityCells As Range
Dim intCount As Integer


Set rngQuantityCells = Range("B120", Range("B120").End(xlDown))

For Each rngSinglecell In rngQuantityCells

  If rngSinglecell.Value = "Primary" Then

    Range(Range("A" & rngSinglecell.Row), Range("D" & rngSinglecell.Row)).Copy Range("K" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1)

  ElseIf rngSinglecell.Value = "Backup" Then

        Range(Range("A" & rngSinglecell.Row), Range("D" & rngSinglecell.Row)).Copy Range("P" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1)

  End If

End Sub

No need to resize.

Well, among other things, you're using rngSingleCell.value in two completely different ways, and one of them isn't working.

rngSingleCell is the cell that contains Primary/Backup , correct? But you're trying to use that value in a resize method, which expects a numeric value. This is definitely going to throw you off.

Of course, without seeing the actual layout of your data it's hard to be sure, but it's not clear why you're using a method a method like Range().end(xlup).offset(1) to define your copying range; it's going to keep on copying the same data that way.

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