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PHP - reset autoload and declared classes

In PHP I have a function that sets auto-loaders based on which child-site is selected within the parent-site.

The resetting of the auto-loaders goes excellent with the spl_autoload_unregister function.

However, what I notice is that when I load a class-file that was already initiated before the child-site, that this 'old' class-file is still used after resetting the auto-loaders.


Parent-site loads example\\namespace\\RouterClass from c:\\parent\\site\\RouterClass

Then I reset all auto-loaders and initiate the child-site and set the correct auto-loaders for the child-site.

Then the child-site loads example\\namespace\\RouterClass but instead of getting this file via the new auto-loader from c:\\child\\site\\RouterClass it gets the class from the old file as defined by the parent-site.

I see the class registered via the function:


But I'm not able to reset this variable list. If a reset of this class-cache is possible then PHP has to start a new search for this RouterClass and will check the child-site auto-loader to find it.

Second option I checked was runkit_method_redefine , but there is no similar function for classes like runkit_class_redefine .

Does anyone have an idea of how to reset the declared class list? Or how to achieve the above without renaming all namespaces of the child-site.

Not possible. Once a class is declared, it's there for good.

If you need to define autoloaders dynamically, you need to do so before any of the affected classes are loaded.

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