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Facebook login callback never fired in iOS-SDK v 4.18.0

I am implementing Facebook login for my iOS application in Xcode 8.1, with Swift3. The operation is simply done with the following function:

[loginManager logInWithReadPermissions:@[@"email"]
                               handler:^(FBSDKLoginManagerLoginResult *result, NSError *error) {
// my callback logic

(I got this code snippet from the Facebook docs . I am not on my work computer right now; because of that, it is obj-c)

I also implemented everything perfectly, regarding AppDelegate like methods of the Facebook login SDK, Info.plist key-values etc.

When the user has the Facebook app installed, everything works fine.

However, when the user has no Facebook app installed, the callback of the former function is never invoked. SafaroViewController shows up, the user logs in and either grants the permissions or rejects the request. And suddenly, SafariViewController disappears and my callback does not get called ( AppDelegate like methods of the Facebook login SDK get called).

What might be the problem?

Assign FBSDKLoginButton as the class of your button instead of UIButton and in your outlet too. Then set the button delegate and permission in viewDidLoad .

@IBOutlet weak var faceBookLoginButton: FBSDKLoginButton!

// MARK: - View life cycle methods

override func viewDidLoad() {
    // Facebook Permissions
    faceBookLoginButton.readPermissions = ["email"]
    faceBookLoginButton.delegate = self


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