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ComboBox selection not appearing at first click Excel VBA

I am writing a script in Excel VBA where I am working in a Userform . In this Userform , I have two ComboBox , ComboBox1 and ComboBox4 . Both ComboBox are a drop-down list that is populated in the script.

I have made it so that ComboBox4 gets populated after and depending on the user input on ComboBox1 . I have written the following code:

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()

   With ComboBox1
        .AddItem "Afghanistan"
        .AddItem "Åland Islands"
        .AddItem "Albania"
        .AddItem "Algeria"
        .AddItem "American Samoa"
        .AddItem "Andorra"
   End With

   With ComboBox4
        .AddItem "Africa"
        .AddItem "Americas"
        .AddItem "Asia"
        .AddItem "Europe"
        .AddItem "MENA"
        .AddItem "Other"
   End With
End Sub

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()

If ComboBox1 = "" Then
    ComboBox4 = vbNullString: ComboBox4.Enabled = True
    Dim index As Integer
     index = ComboBox1.ListIndex

Select Case index
    Case Is = 0
        ComboBox4.Value = "Asia"
        ComboBox4.Enabled = False
    Case Is = 1
        ComboBox4.Value = "Europe"
        ComboBox4.Enabled = False
    Case Is = 2
        ComboBox4.Value = "Europe"
        ComboBox4.Enabled = False
    Case Is = 3
        ComboBox4.Value = "MENA"
        ComboBox4.Enabled = False
    Case Is = 4
        ComboBox4.Value = "Asia"
        ComboBox4.Enabled = False
    Case Is = 5
        ComboBox4.Value = "Europe"
        ComboBox4.Enabled = False
End Select

End If

End Sub

Everything seems to be working fine. The only thig is that ComboBox1 has a strange and annoying behaviour: Whenever I open the Userform and select an option from the drop-down list of ComboBox1 or start typing on it it doesn't select the option or type the letter unless I do it twice. So, if I select an option from the list, it remains blank until I select it again; if I start typing, the first letter I typed never appears, just those from the second on.

I don't understand what is going on and have researched on it, albeit unsuccessfully. Thank you for the help!


in your narrative you're telling about ComboBox1 and CombBox2 , while your code shows ComboBox1 and CombBox4

just check you're not messing things up

then, maybe you have some ComboBox2_Change (or ComboBox4_Change ) that alters your code ComboBox1 value and thus interfere with ComboBox1_Change

BTW you may adopt a shorter code for ComboBox1_Change , like follows:

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
    If ComboBox1 = "" Then
        ComboBox4 = vbNullString: ComboBox4.Enabled = True
        ComboBox4.Enabled = False
        Select Case ComboBox1.ListIndex
            Case 0, 4
                ComboBox4.Value = "Asia"
            Case 1, 2, 5
                ComboBox4.Value = "Europe"
            Case 3
                ComboBox4.Value = "MENA"
            Case Else
                ComboBox4.Enabled = True
        End Select
    End If
End Sub

where you would change all ComboBox4 occurrences to ComboBox2

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