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Visual Studio 2015 generate UML from code

  • Windows 10 64-bit
  • Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 Version:14.0.25431.01 Update 3

I have a almost finished project and now I need to write a documentation. I found some information in the www which tells to "simply" generate UML from the existing code.

At the top Menu is a section with Architecture and there I can create new UML diagrams, but I can't import the classes which the project have. In all the other forum entries they was talking about a Architecture Explorer where you can simply drag and drop the needed classes and the dependencies are automatically created, but in my case this view is missing.

If you have some good advise how to document the software differently, you're welcome.

In solution explorer right click and:

add > item.. > General > class diagram

Then you can fairly easy make a domain model by dragging entity classes in and right click on a few properties and choose: "Show as association"

To view UML diagram of your project, make right-click on your project and select View->Class diagram. Auto-generated UML of your project will be opened

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