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How to include MORE Font-awesome icons in a custom blogger template?

I have two left feet in case of coding. I have downloaded a custom blogger template which renders a few social media (Facebook, twitter etc) icons but not all (500px, behance). I have tried to figure it out on my own, but sadly haven't managed to do so yet.

here is the test blog: http://kartik1110.blogspot.in/

Everywhere on the site (Navbar, right sidebar and bottom) icon for 500px doesn't show up. How do I tackle this?

As the code is a big blogger template, I couldn't figure which snippet to paste here. Pardon my shortcomings. Thanks in Advance.

Edit: I made a mistake in original question. The additional icons dont show up in the Custom widgets that came with the template. The icons show up on blogger pages and other widgets. Any idea which piece of code removes the ability of other icons to show up?

here is the code for right side bar 'follow me' widget, where limited icons are showing up.

    <b:widget id='LinkList2' locked='false' title='Follow Me' type='LinkList' version='1' visible='true'>
  <b:includable id='main'>

<b:if cond='data:title != &quot;&quot;'><h2><data:title/></h2></b:if>
 <div class='widget-content'>
   <ul class='site-social-networks secondary-2-primary style-default show-title'>
     <b:loop values='data:links' var='link'>
       <li><a expr:href='data:link.target' target='_blank'><i/><data:link.name/></a></li>
   <b:include name='quickedit'/>

The template already uses Font Awesome, as you mentioned. All you have to do now is to insert the icon you wish to use.

The easiest way to do this is to add the HTML element as explained here . By going to "icons" inside font awesome, you can search for whatever icon you need and find the necessary HTML code you include.

For the case of 500px you have to include <i class="fa fa-500px" aria-hidden="true"></i> on your HTML and you'll add the correct icon.

You can see the result in this image

Just do the same with any icon you need.

It is possible your version is older, or incomplete. On the FA website they also warn that Adblock Plus removes some icons.

In any case, you can try getting the fontset directly, something I always recommend for loading speed/seo anyway. Just follow the instructions on their website:


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