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AJAX Request to PHP script being cached?

I have a PHP script that shuffles and array and returns it in a random order based off some parameters. If I directly input the script / parameters into the url, the output of the PHP script is random like it should be. The returned array is shuffled (I use shuffle($array) to do this).

Whenever I call it via AJAX, I get the same result no matter what. It will always return the same order. I've tried changing my $.get to $.ajax and setting cache to false, it didn't work, I've sent a parameter along with the $.get request that had a value of $.now() to break the cache.

No matter what I do, when I call the script, it returns the same order, but if I go to it directly in the URL, no problems, random every time.

The request looks something like this:

$.get("scripts/findAnime.php", { q: JSON.stringify(params) }, function(data, status) {

That's without any cache busting, but, like I said, I even tried cache busting methods, and nothing is working.

PHP shuffle looks something like this. There are multiple arrays that get put into $generatedAnimeList, but they all go through a process like this.

If I make the ajax call and just return $least, it will return the same every time, instead of being randomly shuffled.

if(!empty($least)) {
    for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($least); $i++) {
        array_push($generatedAnimeList, $least[$i]['id']);

I don't know what to do. I had similar code to this before and it worked perfectly.


So I put in the script:

$temp = array(1,2,3,4,5);
echo json_encode($temp);

And the request returns the same "random" order every time. So something with the request has to be incorrect.


Cleared my browser cache, did nothing. Still receive the same answer. I did discover based off the parameter (q), I will get a different answer. So going based off the above example, where I am simply shuffling an array. If I send q with a value of "ALL", it will always return the same number, and if I send q with the value of "ACTION", it will always return the same number, but different from when q was "ALL".


I've stripped this thing down to the following. A JS file that makes a get request:

$.get("scripts/findAnime.php"+$.now(), function(data, status){

and the php script (findAnime.php) is this:

$temp = array(1,2,3,4,5);
echo json_encode($temp);

No matter what, always get the same "shuffled" result. In my case, [5,4,1,2,3], every time.


I can confirm that the JS is making a request to the PHP script and is returning a 200 every time. So it's requesting a new copy, at least supposedly.

Add the following headers on the PHP script:

header("Cache-Control: private, max-age=1");
header("Expires: ".gmdate('r', time()+1));

Also, check your server for other caching methods like mod_PageSpeed and varnish


So...I feel like an idiot now. It was not a caching issue, far from it, actually. On my page, I set the php srand function to have a seed, since I have a part of the page that changes based off the day...

Apparently the srand() function also affects the shuffle() function's randomness.

So, after using srand(mktime(0,0,0)), I reset it by calling it again, srand(), and TADA! Random numbers!

Thank you for everyone who helps me out. I have a lot less hair now. Sorry that the answer turned out to be unrelated to the question itself.

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