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Creating the id (unique identifier) from paragraph content in XML using XSLT

I want to create an xsl for an identifier will be extracted from the part of StatementCode tag in provided input code

The input XML is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Statement>Demonstrate command of the conventions.</Statement>
        <Statement>Determine or clarify.</Statement>

The XSLT used is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
    <xsl:template match="node()|@*">
            <xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/>

    <xsl:template match="LearningStandards">
        <topic id="x1" xml:lang="en-US" outputclass="CCSSI-DITA"><title/>

    <xsl:template match="StatementCodes">
        <bodydiv outputclass="StatementCodes">

    <xsl:template match="StatementCode">
        <p outputclass="StatementCode">

    <xsl:template match="Statements">
        <bodydiv outputclass="Statements">

    <xsl:template match="Statement">
        <p outputclass="Statement">

The output XML is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<topic id="x1" xml:lang="en-US" outputclass="DITA">
        <bodydiv outputclass="StatementCodes">
            <p outputclass="StatementCode">AA.BBB-LA.K2.**L.1**</p>
        <bodydiv outputclass="Statements">
            <p outputclass="Statement">Demonstrate command of the conventions.</p>
        <bodydiv outputclass="StatementCodes">
            <p outputclass="StatementCode">AADD.EPF-Caree.CSDA.L.4</p>
        <bodydiv outputclass="Statements">
            <p outputclass="Statement">Determine or clarify.</p>

And I need the output as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<topic id="x1" xml:lang="en-US" outputclass="DITA">
        <bodydiv outputclass="StatementCodes">
            <p outputclass="StatementCode">AA.BBB-LA.K2.**L.1**</p>
        <bodydiv outputclass="Statements">
            <p id="L.1" outputclass="Statement">Demonstrate command of the conventions.</p>    <!-- id="L.1" is the critical point -->
        <bodydiv outputclass="StatementCodes">
            <p outputclass="StatementCode">AADD.EPF-Caree.CSDA.L.4</p>
        <bodydiv outputclass="Statements">
            <p id="L.4" outputclass="Statement">Determine or clarify.</p>

Please give me suggestions on this XSLT.

For a given Statement element, to get the relevant 'StatementCode` it looks like you need to do this...

<xsl:variable name="code" select="../preceding-sibling::StatementCodes[1]/StatementCode" />

To use this in an ID, you could use Attribute Value Templates

<p outputclass="Statement" id="{$code}">

Unfortunaly, you have failed explained the logic behind why you only a particular substring from the code. Perhaps you want to get only the portion for "L." onwards? If so, the expression would be this:

<p outputclass="Statement" id="L.{substring-after($code, '.L.')}">

Or, maybe you want everything after the third full stop. As you are using XSLT 2.0, you could do it like this:

<p id="{replace($code, '^\w+\.\w+-\w+\.\w+\.', '')}">

Also, in XSLT 2.0, if you wanted to get everything after the second-from-last full stop, you can use tokenize (together with string-join to re-join the tokens with a full-stop between them)

<p id="{string-join(tokenize($code, '\.')[position() >= last() - 1], '.')}">

Try this template, which shows all four methods in action

 <xsl:template match="Statement">
    <xsl:variable name="code" select="../preceding-sibling::StatementCodes[1]/StatementCode" />
    <p outputclass="Statement" 
          id1="L.{substring-after($code, '.L.')}" 
          id2="{replace($code, '^\w+\.\w+-\w+\.\w+\.', '')}"
          id3="{string-join(tokenize($code, '\.')[position() >= last() - 1], '.')}">

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