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Select data range for a chart from different sheet using VBA (EXCEL)

How can I select data range for a chart from different sheet using VBA? Suppose that data sheet name is data_sheet , chart sheet name is chart_sheet , and my data range is A1:A20 . How can I do this in excel? I checked THIS but didn't work for different sheets. Otherwise, I checked THIS but returned this error: Subscript out of range :

 With Worksheets("chart_sheet")
       ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Worksheets("data_sheet").Range("A1:A20")
 End With

Assuming "chart_sheet" is the name of your Chart and "data_sheet" is the name of your Worksheet , I think you want to do the following:

Charts("chart_sheet").SetSourceData Source:=Worksheets("data_sheet").Range("A1:A20")

Your With block was not doing anything useful - the purpose of a With block is to allow you to just type . as a shortcut for something like Worksheets("data_sheet"). .

So something like:

With Sheets("chart_sheet")
    .SetSourceData Source:=Worksheets("data_sheet").Range("A1:A20")
End With

would work, because the .SetSourceData is an abbreviation of Sheets("chart_sheet").SetSourceData . (Notice also that the Sheets collection contains both Worksheets and Charts objects, so Charts("chart_sheet") and Sheets("chart_sheet") both point to the same thing.)

ActiveChart refers to the currently active chart, just as ActiveSheet returns to the currently sheet. If you don't have a chart active when that piece of code executes, you will get an error.

So the following piece of code would also probably have worked for you:

    ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Worksheets("data_sheet").Range("A1:A20")


with sheets("chart_sheet")

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