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Ruby - Wrong number of arguments 0 for 1

I'm trying to Update a single record but I'm getting 'Wrong number of arguments' error.

I'm using Postman to try it out throught this url> localhost:3000/confirmations/32 (PUT Method)

My controller 'confirmation_controller'

def update

        @confirmation = Invite.find(params[:id])
        #if params[:estado] == 'Confirmar'
            @confirmation.estado = 'Confirmado' 
        #elsif params[:estado] == 'Cancelar'
            #@confirmation.estado = 'Cancelado'
        if @confirmation.update
            @user = User.joins(:postulation).where(:postulation => {:id => @confirmation.postulation_id})
            #Tengo que pasarle el usuario que le confirmo
            UserNotifier.send_confirmation_to_user(@confirmation, @user)

My routes

resources :confirmations, only: [:index, :update, :edit]

The main idea is that the user will have a button 'Confirm' and when it is pressed will change the status of an invite. So I'm trying to simple update that field. I can't understand why I'm not able to get the param.

thanks a lot.

like someone said before, you should be using: @confirmation.save (or .save!)

http://apidock.com/rails/ActiveRecord/Base/save That will run through the model validations and save any changes to the object to db.

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