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jQuery Scroll Event Not Working With Section

I'm trying to make a simple scrollspy with jQuery Scroll event but it fails. Here is my JavaScript part:


And HTML part:

<section class="method first-of-group" id="credit_card">

As you might have guessed, console.log is just for testing. This section is under a div and this div has "content" id. If I change my JavaScript code for "content" id, it is working. It's really weird.

If you want to see it live, please visit here .

Thanks in advance.

After reading the comments and actually understanding what you mean, this is the solution you are looking for.


     // when the user scrolls, we want to detect at what section they currently are. 
     // This can be calculated, by comparing the current window scrolltop to the position and height of the section elements.
    var currentTopOffset = $(document).scrollTop();

         var min = $(this).offset().top;
         var max = $(this).offset().top + $(this).height();
         if(currentTopOffset > min && currentTopOffset < max){
           // current section
           // do something here, like getting a value from an input type hidden with the section name

I hope this is what you are looking for, or atleast something to get you started with.

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