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Errors on C# in Unity

I have these Error That I'm not understanding tried to fixed my self but I'm still learning unity


Under I have the code


using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;

public class Card : MonoBehaviour {

    public static bool DO_NOT = false;

    private int state;

    private int cardValue;

    private bool initialized = false;

    private Sprite cardBack;
    private Sprite cardFace;

    private GameObject manager;

    void start() {
        state = 0;
        manager = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("Manager");


    public void setupGrapgics() {

        cardBack = manager.GetComponents<GameManager> ().getCardBack ();
        cardFace = manager.GetComponents<GameManager> ().getCardFace (cardValue);

        flipCard ();


    void flipCard() {

        if(state == 0 && !DO_NOT)
            GetComponent<Image> ().sprite = cardBack;
        else if (state == 1 && !DO_NOT)
            GetComponent<Image> ().sprite = cardFace;


    public int CardValue {

        get { return cardValue;}
        set { cardValue = value; }


    public int State {

        get { return state; }
        set { state = value; }

    public bool Initialized {

        get { return initialized; }
        set { Initialized = value; }


    public void falseCheck(){

        StartCoroutine (pause ());


    IEnumerator pause() {

    yield return new WaitForSeconds (1);
    if (state == 0)
        GetComponent<Image> ().sprite = cardBack;
    else if (state == 1)
        GetComponent<Image> ().sprite = cardFace;
    DO_NOT = false;


此错误是因为“ FindGameObjectsWithTag”(返回[]),更改为“ FindGameObjectWithTag”

The first error is because the method GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("Manager"); returns an array and you attempt to assign the array to a non-array type. You should instead use GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Manager"); (note, no 's' in Object), which returns only the first GameObject that matches the tag.

The last two errors are related somewhat to the first, since they also return arrays. The line manager.GetComponents<GameManager> () return arrays of components. To only return the first component of the given type, use manager.GetComponent<GameManager>() .

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