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How can i add event listener in Vue customized directive?

I'm using Vue2.x and I want to add a event listener by using customising directives, however in vue1.x I can use the following code snippet:

  bind () {
    let self  = this
    this.event = function (event) {
      self.vm.$emit(self.expression, event)
    this.el.addEventListener('click', this.stopProp)
    document.body.addEventListener('click', this.event)

but in vue2.x, I found that 'this' is always undefined, and I cannot figure out how to get the vm (Vue Instance) object. I've tried all the passed parameter list on documentation .

Does anyone know how to get access to the vm object?

There are a few differences, and you can see a full, working example of your snippet (though tweaked a little) at this CodePen , but I'll elaborate here:

Your references to this are invalid because in the directive's context this refers to the window . Instead of these references:

this.event = ...
// ...
// ...

you should be consuming the three arguments passed to bind() :

  1. el - the DOM element
  2. binding - binding object for the directive's metadata, including expression
  3. vnode - VNode object - its context property is the Vue instance

With those in hand those three lines above would then correspond with:

el.event = ...
// ...
// ..

Finally, a side note: your event listeners would cause nothing to happen because your click on the element triggers a stopProp function (that is excluded from your snippet), which presumably calls stopPropagation() but then you attempt to catch the propagated event on the body .

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