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how to set name for drop zone area in dropzone?

I am using Laravel blade, I am facing problem that am not able to get the input name for dropzone area to save to the database in dropzone.js . So I need to set name for dropzone area which must be type array .

Below is my code.

{!!Form::model(null,array('url'=>'/assets/global/plugins/dropzone/upload.php','class'=> 'dropzone dropzone-file-area', 'id'=> 'my-dropzone','files'=>'true','style'=>"width: 100%;height:50px;")) !!}
<h3 class="sbold">**Drop files here or click to upload**</h3>
{!! Form::close() !!}

Form::model()删除'id'=> 'my-dropzone'并将其放在div内的表单中:

<div id="my-dropzone"></div>

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