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Xcode - Show segue from modal view controller

I am presenting a modal view controller with a tableView, and then want to perform a push segue when a cell is tapped inside the modally presented view controller.

I set up a view controller and a show (push) segue from the modal view controller to the new view controller, but when I call performSegueWithIdentifier, the new view is presented in a modal fashion (slides up) on top of the initial modal view, instead of coming in from the right.

Anyone know what's going on?


For anyone who has this issue in the future, I figured it out:

You need another navigation controller. So I perform a modal segue to a new navigation controller, and set the modal view controller as the root view controller of the navigation controller. I can then perform a show segue from the modal view controller to any other as normal.


As of Xcode 11.4 (possible earlier) you can also just select the destination view controller and in the right inspector pane under the attribute inspector you have the option: "Transition style" and "Presentation" which will allow you to change from Automatic to Full Screen for example. That way you can overwrite that when you use "push" from a modally presented view controller, the segue will always present the next view controller modally.

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