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Service subscription initiate multiple time inside ngOnInit [Angular 2]

I have problem that when i go to diffent pages and return bank to first page where is this component:

ngOnInit() {

getModal() {

this.subscription = this.sharedService.itemEdit$.subscribe((bank: any) => {

I get multiple subsciption even I call emit service just one time.

Anyone know what can be a problem?

You need to unsubscribe inside ngOnDestroy just before Angular destroys the directive/component.Check Angular Lifecycle hook

ngOnDestroy() {
  if(this.subscription) {

An alternative to ranakrunal9's answer , that might be helpful if you have multiple subscriptions, is to setup a destroyed$-trigger and use .takeUntil(this.destroyed$) :

class SomeComponent {
    destroyed$ = new Subject();

    ngOnInit() {
            .takeUntil(this.destroyed$) // this will automatically complete the stream when destroyed and therefor close the subscription



    ngOnDestroy() {

As an additional side-note: Try to avoid manual subscriptions in components, a component is usually there to display data, for which the async -pipe can be used, which will handle subscribe and unsubscribe automatically so you don't have to worry about all that.

If something perpetual(like a background-task) is going on, use a service.

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