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How I can update array field value in redux-form?

isMain = (v, k) => {

    let {avatars: {fields}, push} = this.props;

    fields.getAll().map((avatar, key) => {


      push('avatars', {
        deleteImage: avatar.deleteImage || false,
        uuid: avatar.uuid,
        fileName: avatar.fileName,
        url: avatar.url,
        setMain: key === k,



This is how I try^ Doesn't work, I don't know why

I use v6

I also tried insert

But with insert field not removed only - copied! Although the value of new fields changed

if you only want to update a single item in array avatars , an alternative solution is using redux-form's Action Creators . Just need to provide the index value to action:

import { change } from 'redux-form'
setMain: (k) => dispatch(change(`yourForm`, `avatars[${k}].setMain`, true))

You can create another action removeMain(k) in the same manner to remove the old main avatar item.

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