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why <link type=“text/css” src=“html content”> not working

I want to convert html content to css content using the Tag Link's Attribute type="text", but it does not work!

  1. Here is my php code:
//url with (;
//I know it should be: header("Content-type: text/css; charset=utf-8");
header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
echo "BODY{background-color:#f00;}"
  1. html code:
            it not works!why?
            I've pointed that type="text/css"
            why it can't be convert to text/css
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
        anything ...

why attrbute type for tag link not works?
But the script Tag works well!

My english is very poor, if you can't understand my words, please leave me a message! Thanks for your answers!

@Luke Briggs's answer helps me to understand why sometime works or not!
@Dekel's answer helps me to understand @Luke Briggs's answer thks a lot!

You should use Content-type: text/css and not text/html :

header("Content-type: text/css; charset=utf-8");
echo "body {background-color:#f00;}";

The reason for your current code to not work is that the browser is trying to get a resource and parse it, but the server tells the browser that the resource's content is text/html . Because the server tells the browser that the content is HTML - the browser will not try to use that content as CSS.

The type attribute of a link tag is "purely advisory" as stated in the HTML5 specification :

User agents must not consider the type attribute authoritative — upon fetching the resource, user agents must not use the type attribute to determine its actual type.

Link tags describe a variety of things and not just CSS - a user agent uses that type attribute to know immediately if it supports the file or not:

The type attribute is used as a hint to user agents so that they can avoid fetching resources they do not support.

In short, it's only there as a hint. The header coming from the server is the 'de-facto' type when used within a link tag.

A real world example

In the source of a Twitter page you'll see this:

<link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" href="/opensearch.xml" title="Twitter">

My ordinary web browser doesn't know what application/opensearchdescription+xml is, so it avoids loading that xml file entirely (and as a side note, if it did load the XML file, it wouldn't know what to do with it anyway).

What about a script element? Why does it work with them?

script elements define their type attribute very differently in the HTML5 specification:

The value of the {src} attribute must be a valid non-empty URL potentially surrounded by spaces identifying a script resource of the type given by the type attribute

This time the type attribute is not simply a hint - it defines the actual type to use.

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