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Asp.net identity can't add user to role

    public void AddUserToRole(Guid userId, string roleName)
        var userManager = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(DbContext));
        var user = userManager.FindById(userId.ToString());
        userManager.AddToRole(user.Id, roleName);

I try to add a user to a role like shown above. However it does not work because when trying to go to the following controller action:

 [AuthorizeUser(Roles = RoleEnums.UserWithProfile)]
 public ActionResult Index(Guid? userProfileId)


It fails to authorize. What is strange is that it successfully manages to authorize users added in the database seeding.

private void SeedUserRoles(List<ApplicationUser> applicationUsers, DbContext dbContext)
            var userStore = new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(dbContext);
            var userManager = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(userStore);
            userManager.AddToRole(applicationUsers[0].Id, RoleEnums.UserWithProfile);
            userManager.AddToRole(applicationUsers[1].Id, RoleEnums.UserWithProfile);
            userManager.AddToRole(applicationUsers[2].Id, RoleEnums.UserWithProfile);
            userManager.AddToRole(applicationUsers[3].Id, RoleEnums.User);

    private void CreateRoles(DbContext context)
        var roleManager = new RoleManager<IdentityRole>(new RoleStore<IdentityRole>(context));

        if (!roleManager.RoleExists(RoleEnums.Admin))
            var role = new IdentityRole { Name = RoleEnums.Admin };

        if (!roleManager.RoleExists(RoleEnums.User))
            var role = new IdentityRole { Name = RoleEnums.User };

        if (!roleManager.RoleExists(RoleEnums.UserWithProfile))
            var role = new IdentityRole { Name = RoleEnums.UserWithProfile };

What am I missing here? Is the method AddUserToRole() incorrect and why is only the seeding giving me correct behavior?

Edit: ASP.NET Identity check user roles is not working found this and it seems to be the problem here. But i don't want users to have to manually logout and in again. They mention something about updating the security stamp but that did not work for me.

Edit2: See my posted answer for the solution i ended up with.

AddToRole returns an IdentityResult. You need to check this return value for errors in the Errors collection of strings.


You should also check the return of FindById that you actually got the user.

MVC 5 AddToRole requires logout before it works?

I ended up using the solution from this question because it was the easiest solution i could find.

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