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I can't get scrollspy to work with my bootstrap navbar

I know this is a very common problem, but I have spent ~two days crawling the forums, trying fixes, can't seem to find the answer.

I have a standard bootstrap setup that uses some parallax scrolling. I have a navbar fixed to the bottom of the page. Each <li> is shaped like a circle, and inside the <li> is an <a> tag. Each 'circular' <li> is linked to an anchor tag on the page in order to provide navigation around the page. This is a one-page template set up.

Here is a fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/k8g3qydw/1/

I have the bootstrap.css and .js files properly enqueued, I added data-target=".scrollspy" data-spy="scroll" data-offset="0" to the body tag and added the class .scrollspy to the parent element of my <ul> like so:

<div class="scrollspy board-inner">
    <ul class="nav nav-tabs" id="myTab">
        <div class="liner"></div>
            <li class="nav-item active">

So, I am pretty confused as to what to do!

Any help is much appreciated!

There are multiple mistakes in your code.

  1. You should use one method to add Bootstrap ScrollSpy to your page, not both: via Data Attributes or JavaScript. So you should delete your body attributes or javasript line $('body').scrollSpy({...});

  2. ID attribute must be unique to the whole document. You have repeated IDs on page. And.. In wrong place. On working fiddle #spy was assigned to nav wrapper, since it is the one which is being spied.

  3. Navbar links should point to "resolvable id targets" instead of <a name="service"> . You should use <a id="service"> .

  4. And also make sure that bootstrap.min.js is included after jQuery in your document. Since jQuery is required for Bootstrap, not other way.

Here is a working JSFiddle

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