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Ignored attempt to cancel a touchstart : fastclick warning

I'm having the first popup on which another popup comes to select few fields. To show the second popup this is the code I'm trying:

$("#select1").click(function(e) {
  var tmplData = {
    string:['Ready','2-3 Days','4-5 Days','1 Week','10+ Days']
  $("#count_div").each(function() {
    $("#count_div").click(function(evt) {

Here is the HTML template:

<script id="countTypePopupTemplate" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
  <div id="myCounttype" class="popup1 layer-2">
    <div class="popup5">
      {{each string}}
      <div id="count_div" class="popup4 bottom-border">${$value}</div>

I'm getting a warning:

Ignored attempt to cancel a touchstart event with cancelable=false, for example, because scrolling is in progress and cannot be interrupted. fastclick.js

Here I'm not able to click the 4 out of 5 elements in the second popup. Only first 1 is clickable. Snapshot of second popup.


I read all the blogs where the topic is disscussed. But didn't got any solution working for me. Looks like there is some corner case.

Your each function is pointing to id which makes you cannot click other buttons. You should use class to recognize the buttons.

$("#select1").click(function(e) {
  var tmplData = {
    string:['Ready','2-3 Days','4-5 Days','1 Week','10+ Days']
  $(".pop_btns").each(function() {
    $(this).click(function(evt) {

HTML template:

<script id="countTypePopupTemplate" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
  <div id="myCounttype" class="popup1 layer-2">
    <div class="popup5">
      {{each string}}
      <div id="count_div" class="popup4 bottom-border pop_btns">${$value}</div>

Try using some parent selector before $("#count_div").each(function() { $("#count_div").click(function(evt) { Like this $(".parent_class #count_div").each(function() { $(".parent_class #count_div").click(function(evt) {

This will solve 1 time running each() for "#count_div" .

So the actual problem is each() is running only 1 time, that's why your first element that is Ready click event is working, not others.

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