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ASP.NET MVC5 Call JavaScript function from Partial View

I want to call JavaScript function, to which I pass parameter, from MVC5 Partial view.

I have declared the function addItem(item) in separate JS file at the top of the file, before $(document).ready(function {}) function.

I have tried the following code:

@foreach (string item in (TempData["Items"] as List<string>))
    TempData["Item"] = item;
    <script type="text/javascript">addItem(@TempData["Item"]);</script>

And the following:

@foreach (string item in (TempData["Items"] as List<string>))
    <script type="text/javascript">addItem(item);</script>

both tries end up with the following error: Uncaught ReferenceError: theValueOfMyItem is not defined .

I even tried this:

@foreach (string item in (TempData["Items"] as List<string>))

but as expected, this gives me error The name 'addItem' does not exist in the current context .

So my question is:

Can I call JS function with parameter from partial view, and if possible what is the proper way of doing this?

Edit 1

After the suggestions of Carsten Løvbo Andersen and Satpal I get the following error: Uncaught TypeError: addItem is not a function .

Here is how I defined the function:

function addItem(item) {
    // processing...

In your Partial View 1st convert Items List into Javascript Array and use javascript for loop to call your addItem method.

<script type="text/javascript">
        var itemArray = @Html.Raw(Json.Encode(TempData["Items"] as List<string>));

        for (var item in itemsArray) {
            //call your javascript method with param item

another option with c# foreach loop

<script type="text/javascript">
        $(function () {
            @foreach (var item in (TempData["Items"] as List<string>))
            {   //your javascript method with param item.


<script type="text/javascript">

    $(function () {
        var itemsArray = [];
        @foreach (var item in (TempData["Items"] as List<string>))

        for (var item in itemsArray) {
            //call your javascript method with param item




In your Layout page define a section:

@RenderSection("Scripts", false)

and now you can render your code from your Partial directly to the section

<div>Some DIV</div>
@section Scripts
        @foreach (string item in (TempData["Items"] as List<string>))
<div>Some DIV</div>
<!-- You can mix it up. Everything outside of the @section will be treated as normal markup. -->

Perhaps you mind reading this article http://www.codeguru.com/columns/dotnet/using-sections-and-partials-to-manage-razor-views.htm

What you can do is, put your data in a global variable

    var items = @(TempData["Items"] as List<string>); 
    foreach (var item in items)

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