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How to get the element id of a div element that was clicked

I'm trying to design a simple hangman game, and have a line of div elements with the ids being letters. I want to receive the id of the element that is clicked, and can't seem to figure it out.

var guesses = 5;
var word = "hangman";
var spotsLeft = 7;
    if(//Psuedo-code -- if a specific letter is clicked (based on element id)
    $("#guessesLeft").html("You have " + guesses + " Guesses Left");

    if(guesses == 0){
     $("#guessesLeft").html("You are out of guesses, YOU LOST!!!");

Just use the attr function to get the id attribute of the clicked element.


    var id = $(this).attr('id');

    if(//Psuedo-code -- if a specific letter is clicked (based on element id)
    $("#guessesLeft").html("You have " + guesses + " Guesses Left");

    if(guesses == 0){
     $("#guessesLeft").html("You are out of guesses, YOU LOST!!!");

Use .attr() to get the value of an attribute for the element. Specifically, use:

$(".letter").click(function() {
    let letterId = $(this).attr('id');

The other two answers are correct but i am just adding JS to them :

Only Javascript : first you need to edit your element,lets say it was like this :

<button class=".letter" onClick="getId(this.id)">Click Me!</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
function getId(clicked_id)

JQuery :

var id = $(this).attr('id');

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